Lead The Way holy shit

He's a better man than me, he's seen the light
Now he's another reason
He's another reason why I can't sleep at night
I'm worried for the safety of mankind
As he, like so many other bastards before him
Will stand in the way of progress
In the name of tradition
Fuck your God
He's nothing but a false idol to keep us in line
Waste your life
Waiting for something worth dying for at the end of your time
Whatever name you give Him, whatever guise He takes
He's still the same despotic leader
Who keeps his followers on their knees
Just one of the faithful, one of the flock
Compliant to the point of ignorance, stupidity
Arrogant the path is righteous, the way, the light
You'll swallow biblical proportions of holy shit
Ancient folklore read to our children and our parents before
Serves as a warning, stick to the path
There's something waiting in the woods
Have we learned nothing from the years of bloodshed?
Times of turmoil, days of rage
Stop believing fairy-tales
Act your age