Lemay Lynda nos rves

Lemay Lynda
Our Dreams
Our Dreams
Love is as true as your gaze is piercing
Love is no more true than it will remain for a long time
No truer than the moment
Which makes me shudder inside
Will be able to defy time
Yet, love is true as much as you would swear to me
And I believe you, you know
But if time gets in the way, time often defeats
Love is as true as the night we spend
As beautiful as the memory that will survive it
But it's no more real
That you will find me beautiful
If I am not
Yet love is true as long as we are in love
And as long as it is not old
But when time gets going, time often undoes
We will escape to a piece of lost feeling
To shudder, again, against this unknown mouth
br/>And discover again what time had taken back from us
And even believe in it more strongly than we are convinced today
Love is as true as it does not want to 'a single story
As true as time will give him the features of an old man
Together, we will follow his line of life until we heal
Every heart attack
And until the last
We will try to do it again