Les Negresses Vertes la faim des haricots

Les Negresses Vertes
The Hunger for Beans
Ass on the ground Ass on the ground
La bouche nailée, Mouth nailed shut
Les yeux défaits, Eyes undone
With the ears stuck out With ears sticking out
Ole Ole
Achille was vegetarian Achille was vegetarian
Seemed so innocuous to us He seemed so innocuous
That we would have lent our penknife Whom one would've slow one's penknife teeth
Yes, it's a victim of hunger Yes, a victim of hunger
Not a critter but lack of luck Not a little insect but unlucky
He went to the pan He went to the casserole
It was the end of beans
We felt weak and constipated
We are not assassins We aren't assassins
We ate him without killing him
Hungry but not murderers Famished but not murderers
Pas bruises Not the injured
Pas yeyes Not hip
Not murderers Not murderers
Then we did as he said Then we did as he said
Stop devouring me with the eyes
So we did our better Then we did our best
Yes Achilles was a good guy Yes Achilles was a good guy
Puis c'ait aussi nutriante Then it was fully nourishing
Qu'il et m'ame competent He was even competent
He who was macrobiotic He who was macrobiotic
It's gluttonous for all his plants Pigged-out on the soles of
de pied his feet
We're not even there We never even touched him , Mr. Prosecutor
We wouldn't hurt a fly We wouldn't hurt a fly
A m, a ouche, a une fly An f, a ly, a fly
Here, the story of a matchstick Behold the story of a matchstick
Who was no longer in his plate That was no longer on his plate
So we made him his party Then we made him our feast
You can judge the bestial act
But we aren't jackals
It's immoral to have the slab It's immoral to go hungry
It's the stomach in the heels It's starvation
Who made us lose our reason that made us lose reason
So we had a laugh Then we chowed down
It was the end of the beans
We had nothing left to clap There was no longer anything to eat
We felt weak and constipated We felt weak and constipated
We aren't assassins
We ate him without killing him
Hungry but not murderers Famished but not murderers
Not bruised Not the injured
Pas yeyes Not hip
Pas murderers Not murderers
Pas bruises Not the injured
Pas yeyes Not hip
Pas assassins Not murderers