Les Petits Zouzous la claire fontaine

At the clear fountain,
Went for a walk
I found the water so beautiful
That I bathed in it
I've loved you for a long time
I will never forget you
Under the leaves of an oak tree,
I was dried up
On the most high branch,
A nightingale sang
Sing nightingale, sing,
You who have a cheerful heart
You have a heart to laugh,
br/>I have to cry
I lost my friend,
Without having deserved it
For a bouquet of roses,
That I refused him
I would like that the rose,
Was still on the rosebush
And that my sweet friend
Was still at m 'love
At the clear fountain,
While I was strolling by,
I found the water so nice
That I went in to bathe.
So long I've been loving you,
I will never forget you.
Under an oak tree,
I dried myself.
On the highest branch,
A nightingale was singing.
Sing, nightingale, sing,
Your heart is so happy.
Your heart feels like laughing,
Mine feels like weeping.
I lost my beloved,
Without deserving it,
For a bunch of roses,
That I denied her.
I wanted the rose
To be still on the bush,
And my sweet beloved
To be still loving me.

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