Leslie Johnson butter and cheese and all

Subject: Lyr Add: BUTTER AND CHEESE (Sam Larner)
From: GUEST, George Henderson -
Well now you've called on me to sing I'll see what I can do,
And when that I have finished it I'll call on one of you.
Well now you've called on me to sing I'll see what I can do,
And when that I have finished it I'll call on one of you.
I'll call on one of you.
The very first time I went a-courting I'll tell you the reason why,
It was to a jolly old cook who my wants she did supply.
She fed me on the best roast beef and plenty of mince pies,
And whenever that I was hungry, my wants she did supply,
My wants she did supply.
One day I went round to see her and she asked me into tea,
She said the master and missus was out and we'd have a jolly ould spree,
I went into the parlour me tummy for to please,
And into me pocket she's rammed some butter and into the other some cheese,
And into the other some cheese.
Well now supper being over, and I could eat no more.
Oh Lord!! to my surprise a knock comes to the door.
I looked around for a place to hide but that I couldn't know.
So its into the chimney I did creep, just as black as any ould crow,
As black as any ould crow.
Well the fire being rather warm it began to toast me knees,
Likewise to melt me butter, Likewise to toast me cheese,
And as every drop fell in the fire a terrible flame was there.
And the master swore as in his own house that the Devil himself was there,
That the Devil himself was there.
So it's way upon the roof he crawled to drive poor Geordie out,
And he began to pour cold water down which put me to a rout,
It's out of the chimney I did creep and into the street did crawl,
I was forced to ramble as fast as I could clutching my butter and cheese and all,
Clutching my butter and Cheese and all.
Well some said it was the devil and him they very well know,
Others said it was Geordie myself just as black as any ould crow,
The women screamed the dogs did bark and the children laughed and all,
And then they began to blabber as how you've got butter and cheese and all.
We've got butter and cheese and all.