Light FM kill the landlord

You better fix that door
'Cause that door don't work any more
You better fix that dent or I'm gonna withhold my rent
We got crickets crawling underneath the
Crawling underneath the cracks in the floor
We haven't had any heat
It's freezing balls and you haven't returned our calls
So, Kill the landlord
Kill the landlord
Tell us why you can't fix anything
Try to make our lives hell on earth
Kill the landlord
Kill the landlord
Tell us why we have to freeze our asses off
Every night and every day
I got a DUI
And I went to jail
But, you didn't pay my bail
You weren't waiting for me on the other side
You won't return my calls
You'd rather see me fall
I'm gonna make you pay for it
I'm gonna make you pay for it
Kill the Landlord
Kill the landlord
Your making my life so hard
Your making my life so hard
Kill the Landlord
Kill the landlord
She's making my life so hard
She's making my life so hard
I try to do the things that are right
I try to live my life without fight
I'm gonna make you pay for it
I'm gonna make you pay for it
Kill the landlord
Kill the landlord
I'm gonna make you pay
For all the hell that you made me go through,
Kill the landlord
Kill the landlord
I don't even need a reference from you
'Cause I know that I'm better than you
Your just a slum lord and I'm gonna make you pay
I'm gonna make you pay
I'm gonna make you pay