Like Vultures 7 10 12

So you're writing me off?
That's okay, I knew we'd go our separate ways.
But, I still have to say.
You would've made me incredibly happy.
Only time will tell if what is meant to be is you next to me.
I think that I see your eyes pondering the idea of you and me.
We'll go our separate ways, but will we stay the same?
Will we ever change?
I'm not saying that this is destiny, but I think that I could get used to the sound, of your voice.
You're facing a choice between me and uncertainty, a lifetime of burdens.
Please don't push me away.
You always push me away.
Close your eyes and search for meaning behind the unforgivable lies.
You always said that love was such a waste of your time.
You tried so hard not to cry.
Just close your eyes.
I'm not saying that this is destiny but I think that I could get used to the sound, of your voice.
You're facing a choice between me and uncertainty, a lifetime of burdens.
Please, don't push me away.
All my life behind a one-way mirror.
I really gotta get outta here.
I see you everywhere.
It's not over, until I say.