Lions dreaming in broken english

I've superimposed smiles on pictures of us. Upon seeing the negatives and claimed them as evidence to take a closer look.
Posing with the cameras on while focused on the background, and I've found that your intentions are developed through the lenses.
Obviously, you were trying to say something. Place your vows before they are imprinted in all our pictures. Let's erase the photographs. They're only distractions.
Tongue tied when we're together. My words cement and become anchors, they never seem to make things better and if they did then I'd probably be awake.
I can tell that you were speaking quiet whispers while I'm sleeping.
My ears allow me to sense the feeling that what you're saying has no meaning.
I can tell that you were speaking quiet whispers while I'm sleeping about the moments we've been making then breaking then starting all over again.
Was this real or am I dreaming?