Lisa Mitchell time means nothing at all

Do you know that I spend my days
Walking the streets and lanes?
Looking through window panes
And out of quaint cafés
See, me and myself
We have an ongoing war
There is an ongoing love affair
Given up keeping scores
Well, I hope that we find
Each other before I lose myself
I hope that you get to me
Before my own worth
I see me and myself
We have an ongoing war
There is an ongoing love affair
Given up keeping scores
And time means nothing at all
Oh, our minds are stronger
Than we give them credit for
Distance means nothing at all
Do you know that I spend my days
Walking the streets and lanes?
Looking through window panes
And out of quaint cafés
See, me and myself
We have an ongoing war
There is an ongoing love affair
Given up keeping scores
Well, I hope that we find
Each other before I lose myself
I hope that you get to me
Before my own worth
I see me and myself
We have an ongoing war
There is an ongoing love affair
Given up keeping scores
And time means nothing at all
Oh our minds are stronger
Than we give them credit for
Distance means nothing at all
Sometimes you need to see a knowing face
My own reflection in your eyes
You talk to me 'bout Friday night
In hardly so many words
I'm alright, I''m alright