Liz Longley feat. Pattison -writer & Keys-Writer pieces

I had just caught my breath
I was starting to smile,
I had just gotten hold of my mood
Then I brought the mail in
Went into a tailspin,
When I saw the letter addressed to you.
And just like that, I broke in half.
Funny what your name can do.
Little reminders that take me back
Whenever I find them
Letting go would be so much easier
If I could lose you all at once
Instead of in
I'll be out with some friends
I'll be doing just fine
Till somebody laughs just like you
I'll reach into a pocket
Find an old ticket
Some crazy movie you took me to
And just like that
It all comes back
I fell myself coming unglued
Little reminders that take me back
Whenever I find them
Letting go would be so much easier
If I could lose you all at once
Instead of in
Little flashes
I keep on having
I guess that's just the way love lets go, in
Little reminders that take me back
Whenever I find them
Letting go would be so much easier
If I could lose you all at once
Instead of in