Lizard Professor consequence of thought

Now, the realm is for the taking.
Now purified.
A cataclysmic chain
Leading to another inevitable reformation.
The fathomable never reaches its last.
Yet here we are indwelling in our past.
The light of knowledge, it blinds
Those who glimpse yet do not seek.
Open your mind.
You cannot conceive in a space so confined.
Wait for your god...
Believe as you please, but don’t lose sight on the sound.
This spatial disaster, twisting, contorting,
Indulge yourself to feel the superior architecture of its power.
Through these eyes, you must realize that the consequence is temptation of desire.
So symbiotic for a dead world, protect the knowledge like a good friend would.
Withholding, trusted… but no. There was an upset; there was a big bang.
Mark these simple words:
That this temporary self-fixation won’t last tomorrow.
What is it like to die?
Is there anything more to this life?
How much is to be left unknown?
Is there a god? Or are we alone?
Is love just an instincts need?
Are we even strong enough to survive?
Will there be an end to the rivers we bleed?
When does the truth become a lie?
My flames awake, illustrious though without form.
Reversal construction I adorn.
Now the bounds of your mercy
Have been found by the common and weak.
Deliberately drowning. Should I breathe, or continue to
Speak for once, it just might be passionate.
It wont hurt so bad to comprehend what lies ahead.
Your right changes nothing if you cant complete the simplistic equation.
Never again will I let you in, to color my mind with your poisons.
No longer will I ponder your pitiful somatic erasure.