Loch Vostok a mission undivine

The enemy structure
Unveiling the truth
The core of humanity
Almost unbelievable
How the blind leads the weak
Against almost everything
Jealously, lack of education
A challenge for all
To stop them at the door
The enemy's at the gate
We tried being tolerant
We even tried to repair
But now we've had enough
Get the fuck out of here
To base your whole life
On a structure so weak and unbalanced
You're set for failure
No matter who you are or who you know
A mission undivine
To kill the king and all disciples
A vision in my mind
Of a different kind
Corrupt and insane
A man she must obey
Like cattle she's in a cage
Fake life and morality
Come flee from your home
Now denounce all the deities
And you'll be trully free