Loch Vostok narcosis

Listen close pay attention
hear a friend out
try to understand:
senseless violent actions
caused by crazy people
fuelled by traumatic past
If you put your trust in strangers
you don't really know the outcome
going under
Gunpoint persuation belief
better never ever go near
going under
When a hollow hearted man
a man like me
tries the sudden comfort of
a late night kill
I just fuel another log
to the fire
watch it burn consumed by
lavish lust
Going under, falling asunder
take away, all these little
creatures in my head
take apart, all these little
fragments of my mind
pulse, flat, zero, signal
Listen closely open minded
trust in no one you are your own god
have you the left hand path?
I bet you will like it as much as me
When a shallow hearted man
a man like me
shape the children with the tools
of your trade
just remember that your ways
are not for all
and the use of violence will
create a hollow soul
Going under, falling asunder
take away, all these little
creatures in my head
take apart, all these little
fragments of my mind