Logic & Faith high ground

Time taken to betray
All the lights go out
Friendship falls into dismay
When all the lives go out
You're half the man you used to be
It's over, please forgive me
I have the clear advantage
Why can't you see?
Please don't try it,
you'll fall to nothing
This distance is too much,
you used to stand for something
You've clearly lost your way
You see more lives to take from
Your path will leave you burning
With no ground to stand on
Twice the pride, double the fall
It's over, please forgive me
I have the clear advantage
Why can't you see?
Please don't try this
You'll fall to nothing
This difference is too much
You used to stand for something more
You cannot win this
You only see one way
So much fury and darkness
You've thrown it all away
In your moment I will reveal to you
That one man's ending is a power you never knew.
I'll hold the high ground
From now until I'm gone
I'll hold the high ground
From now until I'm gone