Lord Toph love don t play fair

I was told a story about a little boy
Who grew up never knowing where he came from
But he was blessed with the answers by the time he was twenty-five
As fate would have it unfortunately
His mother had been dead for quite some time
But by chance he heard his daddy was still alive
He met the man who was supposed to be
But instinct told him differently
By the time it would take him to put away his fear and pride
He’d buy a ticket to the place where he felt his father would be
Then he turned on the telly and heard the news
The man had died
Although I know it means everything to you and me
Some pretend that they don’t care
Well I’ve tried time and time again
To win only to lose and to learn
Love it don’t play fair
Love it don’t play fair
Now this young man
Well he spends most of his days
Working hour after hour
Just to make a future for himself
But in those gaps in between
When he’s not slaving away aimlessly
He’s wondering what it would be like to be somebody else
But the irony of it is
He’s exactly who he needs to be
And little does he know
Fate has a bigger plan for him
Much like love
Life leaves so much mystery
Yet there’s a place where we can get answers in the end
Although I know it means everything to you and me
Some pretend that they don’t care
Well I’ve tried time and time again
To win only to lose and to learn
Love it don’t play fair
Let the moral of this story be -- Love All You Can
Try to love every boy girl woman and every man
‘Cause you never know what they may have missed out on along the way
Try to love somebody – Everyday
Although I know it means everything to you and me
Some pretend that they don’t care
Well I’ve tried time and time again
To win only to lose and to learn
Love it don’t play fair
Love it don’t play fair