Los Buitres De Culiacan a un ladito de mi cama

I think the little muses are on vacation, there's no way to write a verse for the buttons on your blouse
that one that the pigeons press with that I like
the ones with the pink beak with chamois plumage
I don't know if you are married or if you are someone's prey, I only know that you fascinate me from head to toe
tell me, tell me what time you go to get the milk, the bread, the errand because your body is like a goddess I'm already in love
I don't know what's going on with you, where do you come from, what's your name, but those beautiful curves on your body set the flames on fire
one day of these I'm going to satisfy with you this desire and eh to look your clothes and your shoes on the side of my bed.
I think the little muses are on vacation, there's no way to make a verse for the buttons on your blouse
that one with which the pigeons press that I like
the ones with the pink beak with suede plumage
I don't know if you're married or if you're someone's prey, I just know that you fascinate me from head to toe
tell me, tell me what time you go get the milk, the bread, the errand xq Your goddess body already has me in love
I don't know what's going on with you, where do you come from, what's your name, but those beautiful curves on your body set the flames on fire
one of these I'm going to satisfy this desire with you and look at your clothes and your shoes on the side of my bed.