Los Inquietos del Norte me tenia que alejar

Me It had What To walk away from your life
and break my heart into a thousand pieces
for having fallen in love so much
it is the price I have paid for your love
it is difficult, suffering is martyrdom
walk away when you truly love
and there is nothing that will alleviate your suffering
only time is what helps you forget...
And you cry and drink
and you scream and You implore God
to help you forget that love
and there are no answers
the doors close
and you feel like you are dying
of pure pain...
The memories that nest in my mind
make my suffering greater
no matter how hard I try, you don't leave my mind
and it is difficult to continue and survive...
And you cry and drink
and you scream and implore God
to help you forget that love
but in a moment
and God in his time
for always helps you
to forget that love...