Los Prisioneros no necesitamos banderas

With the authority that good judgment gives us and in full use of our reason we declare to officially break the ties that could once bind us to one institution or form of
Representation that declares us part of its total
With all honesty and with a clean mind
We deny any color and all currencies
They give us indifference we renounce any pattern
Whether it is called religion, it is called nationality
We do not want representation
We do not need flags we do not recognize flags
We do not recognize borders we will not accept
Affiliations we will not listen to more sermons
It is easy to vegetate, let others speak and
Tell them per más what I
Put on a badge, march behind a leader and
Let them defend us with reason, we are not going to
Wait, we never liked the idea. They are not
Talking what they At the beginning it was agreed
We do not need