Louis Johnson i ll fall apart

We made love and I was crying
And now I never will forget
The pain and hurt I felt inside me
For it lingers with me yet
I held you close but I felt you leaving
It was more than I could bear
I prayed my tears would melt your heart then
I guess they only found your hair
Don’t take this wrong, my tears weren’t planned
They were from my heart and not my mind
I cried because I understood then
You weren’t in love, you were just being kind
So I won’t ask for what you can’t give
And I don’t want your sympathy
You cannot give me what you can’t feel
So I’ll let time ease this misery
Oh just remember that I love you
I’ll love you true with all my heart
And I’ll always long to hold you
And when you’re near I’ll fall apart
When you’re near I’ll fall apart