Love Affair it s a love affair

If I got on my knees
and I pleaded with you
Not to go but to stay in my arms
Would you walk
out my door
like you did once before ...
This time be different
don't go please stay
If I called out your name
like a prayer
Would you leave me alone
with my tears
Knowing I. I need you so
Would you still ... turn and go...
This time be different
in some away ... don't go.
please stay
you took me away
from the rest of the world
Then you taught me
to love your life. yes
And you came home
after leaving me one time
i knew, how I knew
I'll be saved
by your kiss
you took me away
from the rest of this world
Then you taught me
to love your life is
you went away
after leaving me one time
i knew, oh I knew
After heartaches would start
Would you heard
All my crying
yeah ...until I cry
This time be different
in some away
don't go... please stay
you'll know
I need you so
I'll be loving you liftthe too long to stop now
oh you...