Lowland Hum linens

Little tiny bud, soft, sweet and shy.
Sings with her eyes closed, dreams by her window.
Paper is her kingdom on the floor of her room.
I remember the classroom where I heard of the good news,
and I sang out the true songs with glue on my fingers
from a new paper Jesus, and I was content.
Studied for the good grades and I spoke not the bad words.
I prayed for my sad friends and worshipped the romance
deep in my garden
But man built my garden and filled it with lies.
Little tired flower lost all her color.
She's singin a new song but she cries in the shower.
She worships the beauty, but that's all there is and life feels too long. And that's all there is.
I remember the moment you breathed on my small heart.
Your voice was a whisper at the foot of my bed.
My room washed in yellow by the sun of a new day.
I sang with my eyes closed. I wasn't afraid.
I hear the sound of the freeway from the room where we make love. The shouting so violent of invisible strangers, but I'm still where we make love. Sometimes I'm thankful, sometimes I forget.