Ludwig Von 88 histoire de tchang

Ludwig Von 88
Everything for Trash
History of Tchang
To Tchang comes back to dance, under the pale light
Of a barely rising moon, old bastard whores
Attracting your red eyes, incense with opium
Who mourns our families, by clinging to men
To Tchang, to Tchang, come back dance
We will drown in beer, the bitterness of the past
In Tchang, in Tchang, move forward without believing in it
When dawn dares to smile, darkens a black sky
To Chiang let go, old chimeras, old hopes
Waving away in smoke, burn in our memories
Old embers filled with hatred, rekindle hanging in the winds
Carnats of the morning, we will die singing
To Tchang, to Tchang, louder shout
Life is only a bitch, which keeps us tied up
In Tchang, in Tchang, do you see nothing coming
Perceiving the unreal dawn, of our future exploits
In Tchang do you see life, n It's just a candle in the hurricane
Which whirls from being to oblivion, and will end up in nothingness
Life is just an illusion, sinking and burying itself
From ideals to passions, from dust to dust