Magellan waterfront weirdos

We are the misfits with a broken horizon
Like Keats or Hemingway, survive with poets defiance
Christmas at the Martinique grieving for a home
Three generations tough it out on the big street all alone...
Rank of the privileged on the evening commute
Don't want to be bothered, don't want to be used booming in suburbia, shuttle's on the way
A beggar asks for money. It's a dollar you don't want to pay
To the Waterfront Weirdos
For the Waterfront Weirdos
Who are the Waterfront Weirdos?
Many live on the edge, keep them out of sight out of mind
In our midst a disgrace-answers are elusive yet we find
It's so damn hard to conceive till it looks you straight in the eye
Shake the hands of losers lost on Broadway who remember a nostalgic time and believe that -
Up in an ivory tower it's hard to see, hard to feel, hard to be homeless
And one of the outcast - Waterfront Weirdos.