Magenta Harvest one walks down

The voice of winter
A shattering sound
Echo of murder
Dissonance of death
Black trails
Upon white curtains of snow
Moments, sentiments of power
And a weakening breath
Higher their path
One weeps, in silence
The other does not
Trees make gateways
Empty eyes, frozen blood
To slumber through
A falling hand
Shadows grow thick
In their temple of end
Empty eyes, frozen blood
A choir of crows, no prayers said loud
Only a single trail returns
Circling down the hill
Once two climbed up
Only one walks down
The fog of fresh blood
Upon his ending words
Aggression embraces all vision
An endless, sanctified mission
Soon all warmth is gone, nothing left
A choir of crows, no prayers said loud
The frozen trees stare
Upon the dark rivers on ice
Upon the dark rivers on ice
Empty eyes, frozen blood
Empty eyes, frozen blood
Like roots of energy lost
Silence falls
On the black trails
Like rivers on ice
The voice of winter
A shattering sound
Echo of murder
Dissonance of death
Empty eyes, frozen blood
A choir of crows, no prayers said loud
Only a single trail returns
Circling down the hill
Once two climbed up
Only one walks down
The fog of fresh blood
Upon his ending words
Aggression embraces all vision
An endless, sanctified mission