Obscurity in nomine patris

In the name of the Lord wars were fought
ridden by riders of the cross and the Lord
In the name of the Lord peoples were judged
destroyed by the sword prayer of the church
In the name of the Lord were words spread
whose lies and deceit are accompanied by blessings
In the name of the Lord, victories were won
the heroic deeds are still sung today
Under the sign of the cross, lands were confiscated
the people in Accompanied by death and bondage
In the sign of the cross heretics were burned
condemned by justice and with the hand of God
In the sign of the cross murders were defended
the world was cleansed of false beliefs
Under the sign of the cross, victories were won
the heroic deeds are still sung today
In nomine Patris
Sheep in wolf's clothing
In nomine Patris
Plague that afflicts you
I have seen suffering
Despise all ignorance
I saw gods coming
I saw the idols go
In nomine Patris
Sheep in wolf's clothing< br/>In nomine Patris
Plague that afflicts you
You are the son of cowardice
Destroy this religion
In nomine Patris - Resistance
Baptism or death what magnanimity is your choice
Always call it the act of eternal charity
Repent in times of need - forgiveness is our torment
Cowardly take away our freedom, what miserable thieves
Feast lies the bloody sword
In your faithless hands
You drive out those who will stand in your way
Your faith is ruled by delusion
And sinful blessings
Have yours Memorial erected - AMEN!
In the name of the Lord, churches were sighted
built with the blue and sweat of the slaves
In the name of the Lord, words were forbidden
which doubters emphasized on the cross in rain< br/>In the name of the Lord, Germans were taught
with death or freedom whoever worshiped the one
In the name of the Lord, victories were won
the heroic deeds are still sung today
In nomine Patris< br/>Sheep in wolf's clothing
In nomine Patris
Plague that afflicts you
You have seen the suffering
Destroy all ignorance
I saw gods coming< br/>I saw the idols go
In nomine Patris
Sheep in wolf's clothing
In nomine Patris
Plague that afflicts you
I am the son of cowardice
Destroy this religion
In Nomine Patris - Resistance