Obsidian Tongue into the heart of night

After the fall from innocence,
I bade my remaining honor to an Unknown
Whirlwinds of unearthly screams
spoke the name I had before the descent.
Past life remembered
Past plight restored
The One Eye will behold life within the sorrow.
Ancient threads will stream between my sullen human eyes
Reborn now, and somehow, the sons and daughters of light
Will learn of my reprieve into the Heart of Night
“There is another plane on which the pentaform can be sustained
Won’t you follow me through the archway, and don your skin with the waters of banished lore?”
I cannot refuse
I cannot resist
The only way to honor my pain is following him
Grinding down the towers of primordial misery
Will the skeletal monolith be carried away by the eyes of my intention?
Will the whispering stones edify me to transform these bones to gold?
Wilting will becomes a gateway to ancient lands of tangled wood
Trees shaped like humans suffering: Honor to the moments that made us complete…
Is our weakness truly weak?
Is our collapse truly a Loss?
Crawling closer, through streams of tears and thorns of hate,
The Shadow of Man nears the mouth of the Cavern of Absolution
And shadows perform ceremony,
through our misery
We are instruments to the Invisible