Old Misery summoning demons

I don't have much to talk about,
don't know why I sought you,
fought for you,
called you out
I don't have much to say
it was wrong of me
contested your apathy
and I hope you can forget it
I surely wish you would.
I wish I could do so myself,
because thinking of you is like summoning demons
why are you all I think about?
I used to be so happy
until I let you ruin me
and why are you all I see?
behind my eyes and on my mind so constantly
and I don't know how to forget you
I truly hoped I would.
you said it was best yourself
because thinking of you is like summoning demons
and I'm sick of living in hell
I can't forget you.
I can't forgive you.
I just want to forget you
I truly hoped I would
I want whats best for myself
just thinking of you is like summoning demons
and I'm sick of living in hell