Olivia Chaney back garden beautiful

When light collides,
Darkness forms,
When we divide
All will become clear
Like your reflection
In my eyes ;
Cloud, crystal, sea-calm and red,
The apple of our lives
Up-rooted tree,
Bulbs in the dark,
This garden cannot foresee
What we swore
Was the beat of our heart,
Now it’s fallen apart
Chained, wild dance
To rapturous applause
I feel like a rebel
With no particular cause
Fuelling pain,
With burning books
Cheaper than gas,
All that I took
The heart I’ve worn
The shirt I tear
From your back
The loosened slack you held
The cold swept indoors,
The bitter warmth of Spring
Birds absently bring
Songs of birth
Lest we forget
How to stand earthed;
Bound to seed,
Or this sapling hearth
Now my love turns, leaves,
Blossom laid, snow-mute,
Oh, would that I had stayed