Omen Hungary konnyu szivvel

Omen Hungary
In black
With Konnyu Sziv
I never had anything to lose, I'm free
I don't believe in an evil god. I'll forgive Jon
I'm sorry that I reprimanded you so many times.
I will be as long as I am under the whole sky
What does it matter that you are here. One place repels me,
The other accepts me, but does not allow me to change.
What should I do? What comes ?
What should I do? What comes ?
I do whatever I want, whatever happens
With a good heart, you see, I am useless.
Love me very much or let me go
With a pure heart, with a pure heart.
I don't belong to anyone, I don't care
I don't know the big secrets. There was no one
to really help me. If it was drunk, I didn't know.
What should I do? What comes ?
What should I do? What's up?