Omission here we stand demo version

In the beginning there's no-nothing
Only dreams you can dream
There's no money no support
Raw is the fight and you can't win
Here I am, waiting your sweat
Here we are,waiting your blood
Here we stand
We don't care, you can't stop us
But after a couple of years you see something
A feeling grows up inside you, you're not alone
You want to express all your anger, all your fury
You took the poison...There's no turning back
Here I am, waiting your sweat
Here we are,waiting your blood
Here we stand
We don't care, you can't stop us
Sick motherfucker
You mean nothing to me
Grey people
Move out of my way
I hate
Your stupidity
Here I am, waiting your sweat
Here we are,waiting your blood
Here we stand
We don't care, you can't stop us