Organism 12 karla karl

the woman loves the man, all is peace and joy..
and we have no problems, in our households..
so it turns out that until death do us part..< br/>[Verse 1]
Honey I'm home, I'm here, don't you hear the words?
you lazy fool why isn't the food served on the table?
in the microwave? Well, but I'm here now, I was in the bar
first where were you ida', yes' called and waited for 2 signals
problems you say we have, but screw it, where are you?< br/>say it now you subba! *clap* yes there you are!
don't think you're anything, know your place, oh stop eating, you're fat
get my slippers and my tank top because they're sports
on tv: n.. and I want my pilsners
so if you don't want to tempt my fists don't even think about divorce fair
you should tell your brothers they are too cowards my friend
what haven't you made your bed, has someone else slept in my bed?
faithless bitch, I'll never be a father
everyone doesn't need to see the bruise you got when you fell down the stairs
so get on sunglasses and what my silent wife
why should I go to therapy for? you're the one who's not listening
and you hang up, who the hell were you thinking of calling?
no, I don't believe you, you don't have a fucking girlfriend at all
you whiny subba, when i speak you stand up what
you put my loafers away before it hits your sub
why do you talk about having free time, why should you have free time?
to your pitiful crap life, for townhouses ,steak and some white wine
you got flowers, if you ask for more you get a round
your parents don't like me, and?? i don't like them
[chorus] (x2)
who is it? it can only be me, I answer
a real man, the one who holds the belt, a decent man man
he doesn't want to be like this but it's you who force him
I'm not really doing anything wrong i just got pli on the woman
[verse 2]
listen to me, you know what i mean, hope you already bought booze
for the whole weekend though i'll drink it all up on friday
you know I can easily beat you, after a liter of explorer
the waist belt really goes right on you just because you looked at me
so you finally got pregnant, well it's about time
if I'm happy, why should I be?
it's your duty, I'm sick of this shit
how do I know if it's my child? your choice is to be honest
and my choice is to get a gallows if I find out otherwise
why do you back down because it's just me
you must be glad you have me, a real man man, a blend menthol smoker
why don't you answer when I call your pager, were you out cuckooing?
shall we go out tonight? yes, I'm going to get drunk, does that bother you?
and there's a hell of a difference if I flirt with someone than if you do
fuck you if you bought it today, you shouldn't have that one on you
and you I really don't want to but you're the one who forces me to hit you
I don't care what your friends think, I give a shit about others
even though you don't look like when we met, isn't it time to lose weight?
it's true I can't handle the truth, you'll have something to bite
if I talk to some chick in the middle of the night you'll screw up
yes I broke the china, it was you who gave me the wrong food
I told you I love you, how the hell can you call me mean?
fat subba, once upon a time you were sweet (*sniff sniff*)
does this smell like male perfume? now you bastards are going to die!!
[chorus] (x2)
who is that? it can only be me, I answer
a real man, the one who holds the belt, a decent man man
he doesn't want to be like this but it's you who force him
I'm not really doing anything wrong I only have pli on the woman