Orishas ausencia

I spend entire nights praying, imploring God to take care of you and watch over you, who is with you when I'm not here. Give me the B. Without your voice, destiny seems to give up, as you see. Give me the B. To
My ears reached the sad news that
From here you left us, give me the R
Forgive us, my Lord, if I did not arrive in time to
Say goodbye to this bro, give me the P
Going through the doubt and in the end
I don't know what the hell happened, give me the I
And I remember what the hell it said like that
What a ball, good thing, what a ball, what a turn
BARPI, our heart stays
I spend whole nights praying, imploring God God
May he take care of you and watch over you who is with you when I am not
Every second that passes, every space in which you are not
Your absence pierces my soul and murders me without mercy
I try thinking I try to forget but reality catches me
A truth that attacks me and makes me beg
Ca s'est pass a fait des annes, mais a passe pas
Pas facil d'effacer toutes celles passes these cts
On tait deux gamins, frangin, et dj a castagnait
On jouait les durs, mais l'un sur l'autre tu sais qu'on pouvait compter
La vie nous a spars, chacun son taff, chacun son quartier
Fallait pas se perdre de vue, on s'voyait aux ftes de fin d'anne
I will tell you combien tu comptais
Mais c'tait sans compter sur la mer agite
Tragdie pour ma mre atriste, des pleures, des larmes
And des coeurs briss, tu me manques frorro un jour sans y penser, comment c'est l haut, j'y crois
Un jour toi et moi, te dire combien je t'aime Lolo
Te serrer fort dans mes bras
Step All nights praying, imploring God to take care of you and watch over you, to be with you when I'm not there.