Orphan Boy thirtysomething lovesick ballad

I went jogging, just to clear my head
I spent the entire day, watching Zulu,
And just burning matches by the window
I ran beyond, those dog eared flats
Deserted docks with cobbled streets
Where trawlers bang a dwindling beat
For black and white boom days
That stretched for miles up this North-East coast
Those chemical plants just hang like ghosts
Over a pale, industrial sky
With the workforce shuffling through the canteen doors
And no one dreams of escape
Not while the workers rotate the weekend shifts
Through tabloid talk that fails to lift
The taste of cheap powdered coffee
Watch this…
Following the North Wall,
Until the North Wall stops
And the waves hit the rocks
Like mongrels barking at the gas man
Through double-glazed windows
And so we hit the beach
Where washed-up souls wash away those dreams
Spilling dark thoughts over skeletal smokes
Away from the bars and the birds and the blokes
It’s why theirs heads grow fat
And hearts grow thin
And new-build homes stretch for miles
The arse end of the British Isles
Where no one cares
And no one knows
The blood-red sky is juxtaposed
With retail parks and service roads
Tick-tock, maggots, and dig your holes
‘Cos I’m chopping wood with Noah.
Still trying to clear my head
I’m wandering the night spots in search of old friends
And then I’m back home where I just cant’ replace
The mascara stains from your love-sick face
But from an open window
I can still hear the beach
Still certain one day you’ll come back within reach
And we’ll clear the air with some two-for-one pub grub
Breathing in the unbeatable sadness
Of the sea…