Osymyso prepare bonus track

What do I do...?
Prepare to feel the wrath
of The League of Evil Exes!
You have seven evil ex-boyfriends?
The League of Evil Exes!
The League of Evil Exes? (Aah!)
The League of Evil Exes! (Urk!)
Seven evil exes, yes.
The League of Evil Exes! (Eeeaghhh!)
We're fighting over Ramona?
The League of Evil Exes! (Urk...!)
Oh, you've gotta fight for it.
The League of Evil Exes! (Aaaaaaahhh!)
Matthew Patel.
Lucas Lee.
Todd Ingram!
You're through.
Prepare to die.
Katayanagi twin.
Katayanagi twin.
Gideon Graves...
I'm what's happening!
(Gideon, Gideon, Gideon, Gideon, Gideon...)
Game over.

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