Otto Dix invisibile

I have experienced modernity,
the neurosis of ring roads,
of squares, the vastness,
I have experienced speed.
And from the glass of a bistro
now I look at the world,
walk a little longer? in there,
Transparent I will be,
like water? devoid of color,
like ice in a glass,
consume me?.
Transparent as if
I were only made of words,
which I don't want to reveal.< br/>It will be invisible.
I saw from the overpasses,
in the pedestrian processions,
a sort of geometry,
which describes circular motions.
And with the last metre
Today I took the world...
Transparent, as if it were
an immense soap bubble,
which when touched by my hand
will dissolve.
Transparent, among the people,
only a number will be?
and as far as I can count,
invisible it will be?.