Owen femme fetale

Here she comes.
You'd better watch your step.
She's going to break your heart in two-- it's true.
It's not hard to realize.
Just look into her false colored eyes.
She'll build you up just to put you down-- what a clown.
Everybody knows.
The things she does to please.
She's just a little tease.
See the way she walks.
Hear the way she talks.
You're written in her book.
You're number 37 have a look.
She's going to play you for a fool-- it's true.
Little boy, she's from the street.
Before you start you're already beat.
She's going to smile to make you frown-- what a clown.
Everybody knows.
The things she does to please.
She's just a little tease.
See the way she walks.
Hear the way she talks.