P.C.T sagittarius a ready set go!

... Welcome to the jungle.
"Let's get ready to rumble"...
How about a rumble in the jungle? A...
Rumble in the Bronx? Woman, you look ravishing...
How about a fumble in the dark? Or the back of my...
Corsa? Oh yeah, I forgot the cops took it off me, I'll...
Upgrade to a Porsche, just try 'n' stop me...
[Verse 1]
I'm only playing in, my dreams / i wish, more like! The...
Gift of the gab is nothing like the gift of foresight, to...
Quote Bruce Forsythe... screw it forget Bruce...
Forsythe, I'm a Danger Money Doppelganger! As long...
As I drop a banger, everything's gonna be "Alright", the...
Bars are beastier, the flow's a lot more tight as...
The verse develops, I give you my word... "Alright"!
Jigga moved on to the next one, I'm on the...
"[..] my credit's done, I better send an emergency text" one.
To quote Duke Nuke'Em, "Come get some", I'd wring...
The neck of a bredda 'til it's redder than the neck of a...
Texan, the flow is as space age as The Jetsons, 'n'...
Flyer than a flyer for a club where you're guaranteed to...
Get some. I just wanna have fun, as soon as the rave's...
Done me 'n' my boys are like "Roll on the next one"!
Ready, set, go! From the get-go...
When I get hold, I never let go! I...
Push it to the limit, you better forget it if you wanna...
Give it or regret it, give me a bit of credit F it...
Ready, set, go! From the get-go, if I...
Ever get hold, I will never let go of the...
Game! What a shame I remain sick in the brain, I'm a pain, not the same as the lame, I bring the rain 'coz I...
Aim to make a name, in any way, call me the bane of all the vain! "It's Sagittarius A"!
[Verse 2]
I ain't looking to cop a crib in "Hollywood", I'd rather...
Wear a pair of crotch-crushing flairs 'n' appear in...
"Bollywood" or even worse, "Nollywood", apparently Harry...
Reckons that my witty lyricism is "jolly good"!
Then again he went to a party dressed as a Nazi...
In spite of the paparazzi, that's what you call...
Kamikaze! Read about it as you sit on the khazi...
"The wonderful life of the glitterati, the trend-setting the...
Jet-setting generally beautiful people, all the...
Rich 'n' the famous..." ridiculously shameless...
Occasionally brainless, who some aspire to emulate. For...
Every mistake, will they remain blameless? The...
Bigger the status quo, the bigger the changes...
Underneath it's veneer. If twenty-twelve'll be a turn of the...
Pages of history books, you're an addition to the...
Ages of the sages, as well as the mages..!
[Verse 3]
Big up Soulja Boy: you helped me get my swag back...
Big up to Maradonna: you taught me the drag back. I...
Would big up Visa for giving me cash back...
But your charges take the [...] 'n' I can't have that. I've...
Been in bloodier situations that any Tampax...
"Like de Akon and de Shady, I like to smack that"!
Course I've been cash-strapped 'n' literally hard-up...
When they tested my metal now my metal's as hard as [...] I...
Can't take that back, the writing's on the wall! I see an...
Overthrow-a-coming 'n' spitters are gonna fall, all...
The spitters who lack that "je-ne-says-quoir", that...
"Joir-de-vivre", that 'X-factor' meant to be ex-rappers...
Better at lying than some of the sellers on eBay...
Meant to be dying like the Hitler lovers on D-Day...
Their lyrics are abhorrable 'n' literally pitiful 'n'...
I perform metaphysical lyrical miracles!
©2010 Patrick Coleridge-Taylor
Written by Patrick Coleridge-Taylor, 2010