P.T. Burnem right fabric

Too much to eat
Too much to drink
You might just drown
But it's too much to think about
Too much to eat
Too much to drink
You might just drown
But it's too much to think about
Whisper it softly
Waste it and want it
Want it then take it
You break it, you bought it
You had it, then lost it
Pissing it off
What can you say?
Except habits are costly
All in all
The mathematics are sketchy
These numbers are nonsense
But the product is catchy
It all boils down in the end
What do you have
And how much can you spend?
Right fabric, right fit
But who will you be
When there's nothing to get?
Too much to eat
Too much to drink
You might just drown
But it's too much to think about
Too much to eat
Too much to drink
You might just drown
And we all used to crawl on the ground
Time passes, look at us now
And I've never seen children so proud
Walkin real tall and talkin real loud
And I've never seen crowds so immense
Playing their games
And rackin up debts
That they cannot ever repay
But it's never too late
To reclaim what you spent
Place one more bet
Meet me complete
It goes sit, swallow, vomit, repeat
Too much to eat
Too much to drink
You might just drown
But it's too much to think about
Too much to eat
Too much to drink
You might just drown
But it's too much to think about
Whisper it sacred
Waste it and want it
Want it then take it
You break it, you bought it
You had it, then lost it
Missing it offly
What can you say?
Except habits are costly
All in all
The mathematics are sketchy
These numbers are nonsense
But the product is catchy
It all boils down in the end