Pancho Barraza donde andara

Where she was crying alone
Stumbling through life
She left so offended
And her crying didn't hurt me
Where she was I want to know
And if she's happy God bless her
And if she is crying I want to ask her forgiveness
And if she died I give her my life
I will not rest even if she died
I know that I hurt her by offending her
/>And if I don't find her to ask for forgiveness
Even after death I ask God for permission
And if she lets me return on my knees I will tell her
Forgive me, don't cry alone
Let me cry together with you
After seeing a smile
I can live or die
If my good wishes or my curses were
Your luck or your misfortune I would have been someone in your life
It's a shame I couldn't be anyone, God bless you
And I hope I find forgiveness
I won't rest even if I die
I know I hurt her by offending her
And if I don't I meet to ask for forgiveness
Even after death I ask God for permission
And if he lets me return on my knees I will tell him
Forgive me, don't cry alone, let me cry with you
After seeing him one smile
I will be able to live or die in peace