PAOLA & CHIARA anni luce

You look at me timelessly
Your words in the wind
It's a distance that I don't know how to understand
You're like science fiction
You disperse my essence
I laughed so as not to cry yours departure
How you are light years away from me
Light years, what light is not
I follow your steps in the dark
And you know how to confuse me
Something is ending
I look at you like a dream
That in the morning I almost don't remember anymore
I don't want to be someone I'm not
You make me aware of my future
How could the life I would like be
Now that you are light years away from me
Unfathomable universe
The light slowly falls
And I can't reach you
Sooner or later, light years away from you
I will find a reason
What I gave you, you will see
It will return to me...