Paolo Conte alle prese con una verde milonga

Paolo Conte
Dealing with a green milonga
Dealing with a green milonga
The musician has fun and exhausts himself...
and you will have me, green milonga that you were written for me,
for my sensitivity, for my polished shoes...
for my time and for my taste
you will have me, green restless milonga
that gives me a smile of respite at every chord,
while you damn my fingers...
...I am here, I came to play,
I came to love, and to hidden to dance... and assuming that the milonga was a song, well I woke her up and led her to a slower pace... so the milonga it revealed much more about itself than it appeared...
its African origins, its elegance as a zebra,
its frontier being, a green frontier...
a green frontier between playing and loving,
green spectacle in progress to chase...
to always chase, to chase again, up to the white lakes of silence
until Atahualpa[1] or any other god
don't tell you: descans niño, that I continue...
...I am here, I came to play,
I came to dance, and secretly to love...
[1] we are referring to Atahualpa Yupanqui, the last great interpreter of the pampera dance called milonga