Passi hip hop crazy

It's the story of zulus, in Paris, who show off in overalls, pants rolled up to the knee, it's crazy, I admit, it bothers me.
Everyone is testing, be-flam all the time.
The real groups, the real loop.
Everyone go get laid, suck my K7, suck my sound, my style, my beat or my cock , if that turns you on.
Your bullshit, Kani, Tommy? Nothing to worry about!
The life of a Negro in hell, near Paris is already no easy matter.
Do you take yourself seriously? Me is do ce what is want .
Like FRANCKY VINCENT, I'm the father-in-law of a ton of fags who rap and show off.
97 here's Passi, zulette lower your baggy, go ahead, thong in the line, dance Baby baby, move your chest, it's right! I saw your Calvin Klein.
With your Yo! Yes, guys! What do you represent? Conio!
If you're underground in a hurry to be on TV, play techno, you might make more money.
1 for the bass, 2 for the class, 3 for the audacity, the DOUBLE S passes, and the 4 for the rates.
My Hip-Hop that's it! For theirs, I don't wear a condom.
Where do I stand? Straight into his ass! Curious, the guys turn to the wind, would even give styles on WC.
New or old school, too much be-flam.
My Sector has gone to the wall, we are the ones ©truancy.
Ah MAMA! Look what rap has done to guys, war, solo careers, music videos, even shitty people are superheroes, Zorro or zero!
Lots of pale people copies, so as not to displease the ideals, today the fashion is quail, everyone plays it quail.
So that puts crocodiles, gives styles and deals.
I want a heavy sound, a velvet voice, vomit on the vultures.
I'm trying in a label, I like the sex-sun style, gold, Rolexes, being relaxed, taking risks on remix .
A living person can play dead, but never the other way around.
So don't try it! Don't rap! If you don't measure up!
Zulu nation? I'm out of competition!
Education for the masses? I send temptations!
Y even Of Cry Y even ! At that time, I was there. And so, today I'm going to allow myself everything and be one of those who screw things up, who break seeds and mesh.
female dog of life, I speak to my friends and my enemies, I I don't care about all the people you've seen me criticizing in the street.
What's the goal? You're in trouble!
Come out, open the window, so your people can be in trouble, watch out, it's the dawa in the perimeter!
Move your move ass, what do you think?
May God help everyone?
Band of Fucks! When I'm hard, I want to get polished quickly, I don't have to worry about chatting!
When I'm hungry, I want to eat McDonald's, pizza, squid, my madness will set you on fire.
I burn your Zulus tip top phrases, like I burn spliffs and cigarettes.