Patricia Kaas la foule

I see again the city celebrating and delirious
Suffocating under the sun and under the joy
And I hear in the music the screams, the laughter
Which burst and bounce around of me
And lost among these people who jostle me
dazed, distraught, I stay there
When suddenly, I turn around, he steps back,
And the crowd comes to throw me into its arms...
Carried away by the crowd that drags us
Drags us
Crushed against each other other
We form only one body
And the flow without effort
Pushes us, chained one and the other
And leaves us both
Fulfilled, intoxicated and happy.
Carried along by the rushing crowd
And dancing
A crazy farandole
Our two hands remain united
And sometimes lifted
Our two entwined bodies fly away
And both fall back
blissful, intoxicated and happy ...
And the joy splashed by his smile
pierces me and wells up deep inside me
But suddenly I let out a cry among the laughter
When the crowd comes to snatch him from my arms...
Carried away by the crowd that drags us
Drags us
Keeps us away from each other
I struggle and I struggle
But the sound of his voice
Is choked in the laughter of others
And I cry out in pain, in fury and in rage
And I cry...
Carried along by the crowd that rushes
And dances
A crazy farandole
I am carried away away
And I clench my fists, cursing the crowd that is stealing from me
The man she gave me
And whom I never found again.. .