PEDRO AZNAR insomnio

MUSIC BOX The night must be an enormous iron,
so that it is not burst and destroyed
the many things that my crowded eyes have seen,
the hard things that unbearably populate it.
My body has tired the levels, the temperatures, the lights:
in long railway cars,
in a banquet of men who hate each other,
on the jagged edge of the suburbs,
in a hot country house of humid statues,
in the full night where horses and men abound.
Tonight's universe has the vastness
of oblivion and the precision of fever .
In vain I want to distract myself from the body
and from the sleeplessness of an incessant mirror
that lavishes it and stalks it
and from the house that repeats its patios
and of the world that continues to a shattered suburb
of alleys where the wind gets tired and of clumsy mud.
In vain I wait
for the disintegrations and symbols that precede the dream.
Follow universal history:
the minute paths of death in dental cavities,
the circulation of my blood and the planets.
(I have hated the crapulous water of a puddle,
br/>I have hated the song of the bird in the evening.)
The tiresome incessant leagues of the southern suburb,
leagues of garbage and obscene pampas, leagues of execration,
I don't know they want to go from the memory.
Lowwater lots, ranches piled up like dogs, puddles of
foul silver:
I am the abhorrent sentinel of those immobile placements.
Wire, embankments, dead papers, leftovers from Buenos Aires.
I believe tonight in the terrible immortality:
no man has died in time, no woman, no
because this inevitable reality of iron and clay
it has to go through the indifference of those who are asleep or
-even if they hide in corruption and in the centuries-
and condemn them to vigil frightening.
Coarse wine-coloured clouds will disgrace the sky;
dawn will dawn on my tight eyelids.
Adrogué, 1936
(Andrí ©s Giménez: guitar, voice
Marcelo Corvalán: bass, voice
Andrés Vilanova: drums)
Pedro Aznar: voice
Gustavo Sadofschi: guitar
Alejandro Devries: keyboards
Quintino Cinalli: percussion