Pepe Aguilar maldito

Damn that day
when I believed the lie
that as long as I loved you
maybe you would love me too.
Everyone loves in their own way
let of loving in its time
damned be the days
that I lived inside a story.
Our love never existed
if I love you and you no longer.
Cursed let it be love
when one no longer feels it
to endure the pain
I'm gritting my teeth.
Cursed be love
when it ends in farewell
First it is like a treasure
then it takes your life.
Cursed be the kisses
that live in my memory
damned be the morning
in which our life ended story.
It doesn't matter what I feel
it doesn't matter how much I love you
when a feeling dies
there is no way anymore.
Our love never existed
if I love you and you no longer.
Cursed be love
when one no longer feels it
to endure the pain
I'm gritting my teeth.
Damn Let it be love
when it ends in farewell
first it is like a treasure
then it takes your life.