Pereza beatles

You do everything wrong,
control a little, sweetheart.
For the rest,
we were like a source of heat.
br/>But I know what's out there,
and I'm crazy,
you have a fabric
I don't believe the half of it
you don't either.
Die now
C'est la vie, get the live.
For a long time if you allow me
everything is going great for me
I feel closer to the Beatles
than to your jazz albums
br/>We went dancing
The place didn't convince you
Nothing to toast
but the best was still left
We went to a party
on his motorcycle
In Barcelona everyone has a vespa
Beautiful people,
the coolest thing in the photo
The boy can't pass.
For a long time if you allow me
everything works for me great
I feel closer to the Beatles
than to your jazz albums.
For a long time if you allow me
everything is going great
It suits me so well that I don't invite me
For a long time if you allow me
everything turns out great for me
I feel closer to the Beatles
than to your jazz records
For a long time if I allow
everything is going great
It feels so good to me that you don't invite me