Perfect Blue Sky aquaria

Every glance has passed the seed
Upon the fence of yesterday's poet
And darkness is a wounded light
Let it's treasure grace your earthy wings
A breeze begins
Wild Thyme her lingering soul
Has touched the fingers of an early moon
What happend to the age of man
Your enemy is now your new best friend
Breathe it in
I knew someone I never knew
Her name was Constance, she was a spirit girl
If only in my mind's eye
I long to see her walk this stoney earth
Back home
This day has drawn a perfect line
Exit darkness enter light
The art of love itself
So don't you fall asleep on the edge of your word
She's already heard your sound
Time flies erodes and smiles
A formless face has been defiled
She is the space and love and life
Aquaria she knows you know
Barefoot she follows you
Into soundness into blue
Formless is nothingness
Into the hour of your house
She is the space
She is the space around you
She is the space