Perry Como eli eli

Perry Como
Eli, Eli
Eli, Eli . . .
Eli, Eli, lomo asavtoni,
Eli, Eli lomo asavtoni,
In celebration and flam hot men born to us,
Iberal hot men made us tzu shand un shop.
But no one can help us,
Fine to you, my God, with your holy Toire and with the commandments.
Eli, Eli, lomo asavtoni,
Eli, Eli, lomo asavtoni,
Tog un night nor ich trracht fin my God,
I called with moire, whether your toire, yours bid.
Oh, rethe me, rethe me fin gefar
Like a muhl the u ves fon at sen gzar.
Give me my blessing, my friend,
You know how to help, even if you're a little one.
Shema Yisroel, adoinoi elokenu, adoinoi echud.
Traditional Jewish hymn
in Hebrew & Yiddish ( transcribed phonetically )
Adapted by George Sandler ( unverified )