Pete Davis interment

You were walking all alone,
Late last night into the woods,
But you got lost along the way,
I'm still waiting for you.
Everyone said 'be patient, son,
Give her some time and she will come,'
But I've been searching for a week,
Haven't turned up anything,
Our eyes were made to fool us.
It was the dress you always wore,
And oh my god, there's so much blood.
We knew no one could survive; heaven, grant us mercy.
There was a clearing in the trees,
Ominous pile of sticks and leaves,
And there was something underneath,
We all knew what it would be,
You were staring back.
And at your funeral the trumpets called to the sky,
Clamored 'how could someone do this to a child?'
And nothing ever fell as hard as my knees onto the ground.
Now you sleep forever in the ground,
Now you're one of the lord's children.
When you get to Heaven, when He finds you,
Won't you tell the rest up there we miss them, too?
Just imagine all the fun we could have,
You are such a pretty girl, oh,
I'm the only one who loves you now,
So my angel don't you move, you'll tire out.
I've got such big plans for you my lovely child,
Don't be frightened, when you scream, no one hears you.
And the woods breathe life to us, to our hearts, honest,
And the mountain mourns for me, mourns for you.
(Do you believe that there is an ocean under the ground,
And on the surface we honor its somber gaping mouth,
And we crawled inside time ago to see how the blood moves in and out,
What the heart would do, the mountain mourns for me, for you.)
Agnus dei, filius patris, amen.
The clutch of saints, the feast of swine,
The slaughter stain, your pretty face.
We all joined hands with one another
And stood, silent, ‘til the sun sank under the trees,
And we put you in the ground,
And we shoveled all of the earth back in place.
The angels said with a great sigh,
What are we to do with this?
And the dogs laid still, short of breath.
Pine trees bowed in the gale.
Room fades in, still chained together,
He slipped up, you slip out.
Under the gathered storm you ran,
Ruggedly bristled and bare feet.
But he'll find you over and over.
Your crooked legs aren't strong enough to escape me now.
And you came into a clearing,
And the beast, how it found us,
And oh, how it finds you, too.
And you feel the hands pull you to the ground,
How cold, the steel that slipped across your throat,
Oh did it drain into the ground,
Does it flow back to us now?