Peter Baldrachi in the name of love

A handful of moments dance in time
Reflections on the water ripple the sky
All’s well in the moment, so sublime
Acting on a foggy notion of what’s right
We just act and never stop to think of
The consequences of just who we have become
And what we do
Are the worst things in the name of love
Never stop to wonder or ask why
We hurt the ones we love most every time
Deciding in the moment, without design
Acting on a foggy notion of what’s right
When we learn what once was truth is just a lie
Meant to build you up, then tear you down to size
And what we do
Is to learn to live with alibis
Never stop to wonder or realize
Forgive the ones we love most every time
In the end what is left for us to see
We blur the lines of fiction and reality
And what we do
Is just to side with what we most believe